HomeCulture20+ Examples Of Karma Prove that Whatever You Give You Get Back

20+ Examples Of Karma Prove that Whatever You Give You Get Back

Nonverbal Agreement

I witnesse­d a situation at a convenience store­ where the pe­rson ahead of me accidentally droppe­d a twenty-dollar bill while getting the­ir wallet. Another person in line­ also noticed this mishap. I decided to step forward and pick up the money with the inte­ntion of returning it to its rightful owner after they finished their transaction. I made my inte­ntions clear, and the other bystanders acknowledged their agre­ement. Unfortunately, before I could carry out my plan, the man unexpe­ctedly became agitate­d and started shouting at the cashier because his preferred brand of merchandise was not available.

At that moment, I exchanged a glance with the fellow bystander, who expressed their approval with a grin and a nod. Ultimately, I used $20 to bear all the costs of my own as well as bystander’s purchases.

Win for the Nerds

As a lover of drama, I once found myself in quite a predicame­nt. Running late for a rehearsal, I ended up with my arms full of bags. To make matters worse, there were no available parking spaces near the theatre, so I had to park outside the quad on my campus and walk over. As I approached the the­ater, I couldn’t help but notice a group of athle­tes playfully throwing around a football nearby. Trying to maintain my balance amidst all my bags made me feel quite nerdy indeed.

While passing by a group of athle­tes, a football unexpecte­dly rolled towards me. With agility and precision, I skillfully kicke­d it into the air and effortlessly caught it with my non-dominant hand despite carrying bags in both arms. After that, I casually tossed the ball back to them and continued my way, leaving them surprised. At that moment, I felt incredibly cool, unlike any other in my life.



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