How to tell who likes who the most
When you are with a group of individuals you know well, such as colleagues or friends, observe who else looks at you. Eye contact is a natural reflex when someone you feel most comfortable with is sharing a funny story or joke.
However, keep in mind that the opposite is also true. You’re probably the least popular person in the group if everyone is laughing and no one is looking at you.
Look into someone’s eyes when you don’t trust their answer
If you ask someone a question, and don’t like or understand their answer – look into their eyes and just pause instead of asking more questions. This will make them feel a little pressured, and they will then be compelled to explain or elaborate on whatever they just said.
Us humans are highly sensitive to even the most subtle social cues, and prolonged eye contact in this kind of situation subconsciously communicates to the other person that you’re not happy with their answer – without you having to say so.
Give yourself fewer choices when struggling to make a decision
We believe that having more options helps us make better decisions. However, numerous studies have shown that the reverse is actually true. We feel overwhelmed and confused by too many options, which is awful.
So, to make the most judicious decision, give yourself fewer options and a shorter window of time to select while making both major and small decisions. By doing this, you’ll be able to avoid becoming mired in indecision and remain proactive in life.
How to ace that first date
The most often given amount of useless advice for a successful first date is to “be yourself.” Not only is it unclear, but having fear get in the way makes it difficult to be who you truly are. You can, however, take sensible methods to increase the likelihood that your date will find you attractive.
Misattribution of excitement is a psychological phenomenon in which individuals mistake the events that provoke their excitement. Choosing an engaging activity for your date, such as visiting a theme park or escape room, will positively impact their opinion of you.
Make someone rude become self-conscious
Saying something like, “Hey, I think you have something stuck in your teeth,” will stop someone who is screaming at you right away. Instead of getting upset with you, this will cause them to stop suddenly and feel extremely uncomfortable and self-conscious. Additionally, it’s likely to suggest that they’re making an excuse to go locate a mirror.
This approach has to be used as a last alternative; mature, calm communication is always preferred for circumstances such as these.
Ask for a favor by saying ‘I need your help’
People dislike feeling guilty and love to feel wanted. By being careful with the language you use while requesting a favour, you can take advantage of this. Start by stating, “I need your help,” as opposed to merely asking, “Can you do this?”
By utilizing the word “help,” you lessen the chance that they would reply no and personalize the request. The more individualized approach makes individuals feel indispensable, and it induces shame to refuse to assist someone.
How to look confident at a party
For those of you who are introverted, this is a very helpful idea. If you find socializing at parties really awkward, it’s likely that you also appear incredibly uneasy and insecure. This will lessen the likelihood that someone will approach you and that you will enjoy yourself.
Making sure your drink isn’t up against your chest in a setting like this is one way to appear more approachable, confident, and open. Strive to keep it down by your hip in a casual manner instead. Works perfectly!
Pretend to be open-minded to win people over
Being open-minded is easier said than done, and most people aren’t as understanding of different points of view as we’d like to believe. However, faking works too.
Alternatively, while engaging in a conversation with someone about a subject you find insane, be tolerant and open rather than getting defensive or outright calling them out on their ignorance. They are more receptive to your viewpoint and may even begin to agree with you if you seem to be genuinely considering their point of view as valid.
Look at someone’s lips to show them you’re interested
We’re not suggesting that you look at someone’s lips for extended periods of time because that will make them uncomfortable. However, looking at them sometimes and letting them know you’re interested is a nice approach to show interest when out on a date.
Touching someone’s hand or arm could feel a bit too direct, so this is perfect for evaluating their interest during a first date. You may be very certain that they feel the same way if you catch them looking back at your lips.
Use proximity to make an intimidating person feel uncomfortable
If you find yourself near someone who tends to lose their temper during talks, avoid having a meeting with them if possible. You probably want to run and hide, or at the very least, sit as far away as possible, so this seems counterintuitive. But it will benefit you to sit near them.
Even the most self-assured and enforcing persons find proximity to be scary. They won’t be as likely to yell at you or lose their temper as a result.
How to stop beating yourself up over old embarrassments
This hack is useful if you’ve ever felt uncomfortable about falling and tripping in front of your high school crush or if you’ve ever mispronounced a phrase and made the entire class laugh.
Try not to let the past overwhelm you and make you feel bad about something embarrassing that someone else did years ago. You probably can’t! It follows that no one is aware of your previous mistakes because they are all too preoccupied with dwelling on their own.
Remember people’s names to become more popular
Even though we are unable to love everyone, there are basic ways to help those around us feel valued and noticed. People have a deep need to be loved.
Develop the habit of learning people’s names fast when you’re in a new setting or working with new people. Then you can call them by name in conversation a lot. Your coworker will feel instantly special when you ask, “Hey David, want to go get lunch?” and you will feel even more special in return.
How to make a lie more believable
If you have to lie about something, adding a small, insulting fact about yourself will help the lie seem more believable. People lie convincingly when they believe something embarrassing or terrible about themselves is something they wouldn’t imagine anyone would lie about.
It is also true in the other way. There’s a good chance that someone will doubt the legitimacy of your claims if you seem to be boasting or exaggerating.
Play stupid to make someone stop make fun of you
If a joke is told and explained too often, it loses its humor. If someone is making fun of you or at your cost and you don’t like it, you can take advantage of this.
Simply keep asking “what?” I don’t understand” in order to encourage them to say the same thing over and over. Any laughter will fizzle out very fast, and instead of you seeming foolish, it will be the joke teller.
Chew gum when you’re nervous
Food is comforting, and our brains have been wired to believe that we are safe when we are eating. Chewing gum will, therefore, temporarily quiet your brain. Thus, this is an ideal method to de-stress a little before an exam, job interview, or date.
However, if you haven’t done your homework correctly, no amount of gum will be able to keep you from failing. Additionally, remove your gum before the job interview to avoid making a bad impression!
Try to memorize eye colors
When you shake hands with someone you just met, observe the color of their eyes. It’s not like you genuinely give a damn about remembering the hue.
It’s a cunning method of making just the right amount of eye contact—less than what you provide during meaningful chats with friends, but more than the fleeting, uninteresting glances individuals typically give. You appear friendlier and more assured when you maintain this ideal level of eye contact.
Never say “I’m sorry” when working in customer service
When you work in customer service, you frequently deal with a lot of irate and dissatisfied customers who take their frustrations with a product out on you. Even when it’s not their fault, a lot of individuals automatically apologize to the customer, and this is not the greatest course of action.
Say something like, “I know this is frustrating, but I really appreciate your patience,” instead. This diverts attention from the issue at hand and gives the caller a compliment, which ought to calm them down.
Stare at someone’s forehead to intimidate them
We’re not advocating that intimidating someone is a good idea. However, if you feel like it, a nice place to start would be to just stare at their forehead. People find it quite upsetting because it belittles them and gives them the impression that there is dirt on them.
Regardless of your height difference from the other individual, this still works. However, exercise caution when using this approach. Even if it’s frightening, it has the potential to agitate the other person and worsen the issue.
Make sure your hands are warm before shaking hands
It’s interesting to note that individuals unconsciously associate distrust and suspicious behavior with icy hands. Therefore, before shaking hands with other attendees in a crucial business meeting, make sure your hands are warm to avoid giving the wrong impression. Make sure they’re dry as well!
Cold or clammy hands convey unease and unreliability, which is the opposite of what you want to convey in your professional (or personal, for that matter) life.
Stare straight ahead when you’re in a hurry
Most of us speed along, walking rapidly, but we also say “excuse me” to convince people to move. Even though it’s courteous, that’s not the greatest technique to guarantee that others will move aside.
Rather, keep your head up and look directly ahead, as though there is no one else in your field of vision. People will eventually make sure to move aside for you.
The way to win in ‘rock, paper, scissors’
We’re not sure why this works, but give it a shot and let us know! Before you begin a game of rock, paper, scissors, ask the person you’re going to play a random question to improve your chances of winning.
They become disoriented by this, lose concentration on the game, and are more likely to select scissors (for whatever reason, we have no idea why!). Knowing this is going to happen, you can choose rocks in a strategic way to win.
How to get someone to carry something for you
When you hand someone an object while they are speaking and you are in the middle of a discussion, they will grab it from you without knowing it. It’s also true that if you extend your hand, they will give you whatever they’re holding.
They will be absolutely taken aback by what they have just done and will be stunned for a short second after they receive or offer the object. Undoubtedly, it is an effective way to make the other person laugh.
Mirror people’s body language to get them to trust you more
This one needs to be done subtly, or else it will come off as a charade and people will call you out or think you’re a scary weirdo. However, when body mirroring is done softly, it gives a sense that you are a trustworthy and familiar person.
This tip is extremely helpful if you work in sales or any other industry where closing deals requires earning people’s confidence.
Check the position of someone’s feet when talking to them
Look at someone’s feet when you are conversing with them. They are interested in the talk and want to be there if they are facing you. However, if the feet are turned to the side, the individual is simply trying to leave and their thoughts are far away.
This doesn’t always mean that they dislike you or the conversation’s subject. However, it is a clear indication that they lack the time or want to be having it at that particular moment.
How to stop people from interrupting you
Disturbing others is a common bullying method used by those who want to prove their authority and instill insecurity in you, particularly in a business environment. Staying silent and not raising your voice are the best strategies for maintaining your position.
Rather than giving in to their attempt to silence you, just carry on speaking at just the same volume and cadence as before. They’ll feel uncomfortable about being ignored, which will probably cause them to stop talking quite soon.
Don’t look at the people you don’t want to be seen by
Imagine that you went to the nearby supermarket to get milk by wearing your dirtiest sweatpants and no makeup. You discover your crush is in the store, much to your horror. Remain calm and avoid giving them even a cursory glance.
If you walk straight in front of them, they won’t likely see you if you entirely ignore them. When we detect someone staring at us, we instinctively turn to face them. Therefore, the greatest approach to avoid attracting someone’s attention to yourself is to look away.
How to get someone to agree with what you’re saying
When expressing your thoughts or opinions, nodding will make it more likely that the other person will understand and support you. This is due to our established subconscious connection of facts with nodding.
Now, try not to go overboard and rapidly bob your head up and down while you speak. It has to be more subdued, perhaps limited to each statement’s primary point—basically, a verbal emphasis of the core selling points.
Control your emotions to not escalate heated situations
We often worsen heated situations and disputes by allowing our emotions to control our actions. Developing better emotional self-control is the first step towards defusing and even ending disputes.
Though it may be easier said than done, make an effort to become more conscious of your routine habits, such as snapping at people or being defensive. Rather than taking things personally, consider taking a big breath, listening carefully to the other person, and thinking things through before you speak.
If you think someone doesn’t like you – ask to borrow a pen
Everybody has come across a classmate or coworker who, for no apparent reason, they just don’t like us. Simply ask to borrow something tiny but important, like a pen, if you want to modify that and make working with each other more enjoyable.
Because it’s considered impolite to refuse, they will give it to you, tricking their mind into believing you’re not as horrible as they initially thought. Giving the pen back then enhances this impression even more (please remember this step!).
How to get someone to stop talking
Try dropping anything (that won’t break, like keys) if you find yourself in a conversation with someone who simply won’t let you say a single word. You may take control of the discussion and say what you meant to say because it will interrupt them and cause them to pause for at least a moment.
This meets your aim without you having to awkwardly interrupt the other person to get them to stop talking, or worse, tell them to let you talk.
Improve your grades with classical music
Study proves that studying classical music, or any other music without lyrics, enhances academic performance. Melodies can provide that connection to an experience or feeling, which seems to be how memory functions best.
On the other side, lyrics-based music can be extremely distracting because your brain will almost certainly focus on the words, and you might even find yourself mentally (or aloud) singing along.
Flinch when negotiating to get your way
React quickly to the first offer; whether it’s regarding a new job offer or the cost of a used car, you’re considering purchasing.
This will instantly convey to the other person’s subconscious that you are horrified by the awful offer, which will probably cause them to improve the wage or price offer. Saying something like, “That’s a terrible offer!” won’t have the same impact. To the other person’s conscious mind, that reads as overt criticism, which is likely to provoke a defensive reaction.
Colors affect us – use that to your advantage
Colours like blue and purple are appropriate for a therapist’s office or bedroom due to their calming characteristics. Conversely, warmer hues like orange, yellow, and red convey stronger emotions and are more forceful.
Hence, you can come out as more pleasant and passionate if you dress provocatively coloured for a date. If you’re constructing a restaurant, incorporate these colours into the interior design, as they also stimulate hunger!
Whisper to make someone else whisper
This is a nice and funny way to getting someone to whisper to you. Leaning in and talking to someone will instantly cause them to automatically repeat your action and whisper back, regardless of the context or subject.
If you whisper anything really random to them, like “do you prefer French or Italian food?” they will whisper back to you in return, which makes this even more entertaining. Just avoid doing this in front of your supervisor or in an unsuitable environment.
When you feel stressed or anxious – write
Sometimes life can be very stressful. Real or imagined problems can give us a great deal of anxiety, which subsequently has a negative impact on our day-to-day lives. Although it may sound corny, it really does help to put your anxious thoughts and feelings in writing.
It’s not even necessary to write an extensive, ambitious journal entry in which you fully express yourself. You can assist your brain to let go of problems for a moment and focus on other things by writing down a few phrases about what’s been bothering you.
Change your posture to boost your confidence
Having correct posture can have a major beneficial effect on all facets of your life, personally as well as professionally. You project greater confidence when you intentionally tell yourself to stand up straight and raise your head a little.
We refer to this as a power language. It affects how others see you, from employers to possible love partners, and raises your prospects of both professional and personal success.
Use pavlovian conditioning to suss out who likes you.
Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov has been associated with discovering classical, or Pavlovian, conditioning. In essence, it refers to learning via association. For instance, ringing a bell and rewarding a dog with a treat can help the dog associate the bell with rewards, just like Pavlov did.
This might help you determine whether or not someone likes you. Whenever they say or do something, give them a smile or a complement. They will subconsciously begin saying or acting in that way more frequently if they like you and genuinely desire that grin or complement.
Use the word “because” when requesting something
When seeking something from someone, try using the word “because” in your request. Our brains are significantly impacted psychologically by this small word.
Because our brains are wired to seek meaning in experiences, the word “because” cues the subject that your request has a clear, objective purpose, increasing the likelihood that they will comply. This is effective even if you’re just attempting to use it as an excuse to get someone else to run your errands.
Rephrase what someone just said to make them feel validated
People desire to feel understood and validated. They will appreciate and respect you more if you can satisfy that demand for them. Rephrasing what someone says back to them is, therefore, a simple technique to help them feel affirmed. This shows them that you paid attention to what they had to say.
People who are able to focus long enough to recall what they say are liked by all. This is something that people with strong social skills frequently do, and they also tend to have more satisfying and lasting relationships.