Watch Your Step
U/Dwizzlehart: “I was running an auto parts store in 2018. Our 74-year-old delivery man was putting away goods and was in good health. I recalled that the same delivery driver had complained earlier that morning about feeling lightheaded (I believe he was experiencing problems with his blood sugar). I knew he was the only one putting the refill away because our top shelves were 12 feet high.
After leaving my workstation, I went around to the rear, where I could hear him using the stepladder. He was attempting to place a radiator on the top shelf when I rounded the corner, but he lost his hold on it and tumbled off. I was able to break his fall by catching him. A robust steel oil collection tank was directly in his direction of descent, where his head would have struck. The following day, his shoulders and back aches still, but he was still alive.“