HomeHumor40+ Hilarious Text With Neighbors From Hell

40+ Hilarious Text With Neighbors From Hell

When you find the perfect place to live, you probably spend ages wandering around the house or the apartment, checking out all of the little details that you’ve fallen in love with.

However, do you ever think about the people who live next door, above you, or even underneath you? There’s a high chance that you don’t because you’re just so distracted. We have a feeling that these people wish they had done a little more research into the people they later got to call their neighbors…

Rental insurance doesn’t include emotional damage

What would you do if your neighbor asked you this question? We understand urgency, but we’d think you’d try to find another solution! But we suppose this fella may be better at finding solutions to problems like that. Although at least the asker’s response was a proper and understanding one even after being denied relief.

You have to wonder, were they ever able to look their neighbor in the eye again? Wait, wait… what if this was in an apartment building, and the asker lived above the askee? Talk about emotional trauma.



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