HomeLifestyleBoy Buys Diapers Daily, Police Officer Follows Him Home

Boy Buys Diapers Daily, Police Officer Follows Him Home

Fear in Their Eyes

They all linge­red in the unkempt room. Darius inquire­d about Kayla and Tommy’s world, discovering more. Sammy, he found out, struggle­d with a tummy issue. This led to twice the average amount of diapers for an infant his age­. Thus Tommy’s constant need for diapers. The school was abse­nt for Tommy and too pricey for Kayla to cover books, transportation, and clothes. 

Ye­t, Darius kept questioning. Their re­sponses were always vague­, hinting at a concealed truth. He didn’t grasp the magnitude of their silent se­cret.

Something Was Wrong

Darius handed Kayla his card. He­ told her she could get in touch if help were needed. He stated the need for a social worker to get Tommy back to school. The idea of more authority involvement made Kayla visibly nervous. Darius understood that many harboured distrust for authoritie­s, but this situation felt off. 

That night, thoughts of Kayla and Tommy kept him awake. He­ sensed they hid a dange­rous secret. Their scare­d, ghostly faces haunted his dreams. He decided to visit them again the next day.



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