HomeLifestyle20+ Fathers Share What Their Daughter’s Boyfriend Did That Made Them Love...

20+ Fathers Share What Their Daughter’s Boyfriend Did That Made Them Love or Hate Them

Not Sticking to Status Quo

“By marrying his daughter without first getting his consent, I managed to win over my father-in-law. He lived on the other side of the country, so I didn’t even meet him until after I proposed to her. I said, “Because you aren’t the one I want to marry, and (wife’s name) doesn’t need permission,” in response to his question about why I hadn’t asked him.

I just kind of stated it in a matter-of-fact manner without trying to come across as rude. It turns out that he never requested permission for marriage for the same reasons when he initially got married—he is currently in his 70s and was married when he was 18 or 20. But luckily for me, I won’t have to deal with my kid’s GF/bf/whatever since we don’t plan on ever having children :).”



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