HomeLifestyle20+ Fathers Share What Their Daughter’s Boyfriend Did That Made Them Love...

20+ Fathers Share What Their Daughter’s Boyfriend Did That Made Them Love or Hate Them

Magical Friday Nights

U/ToxicAnwar: “Although my girlfriend’s dad and I actually met before I met her, I am the boyfriend in question. We engaged in a draft game of Magic: The Gathering and all I can recall about him is that, in contrast to some of the cold-blooded individuals you find at card shops, he was a truly pleasant person.

After a few months of dating, he finds out that I play Magic through my girlfriend. It turns out that the very night her dad and I played a game of Magic together, he went home and made jokes to her about “A very nice cute boy who goes to your high school that I played magic with.” Neither of us realized that we had played against each other previously. That boy is me; on Friday nights, her dad and I still play Magic.”



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