HomeCultureTexts That Shows Us How Different Men And Women Logic Is

Texts That Shows Us How Different Men And Women Logic Is

We like to pretend that there are no differences between men and women, but that’s not really true when you get down to it. Need some proof? Just look at how men and women text. That should tell you everything that you need to know.

Okay, sure, we can’t make generalizations about someone based on their gender, but it’s definitely true that some men and some women tend to act differently from one another. These text conversations demonstrate the differences in logic between men and women pretty much perfectly. We can all learn a few lessons from these pics!

You weren’t supposed to agree with her!

Here’s a bit of a hint for guys who are new to this whole “relationship” thing. If a guy says that she’s feeling beautiful, you better respectfully agree. If a girl says that she’s feeling ugly, you better vehemently disagree.

And if a girl says anything else negative about herself while complimenting you, it is NOT time to agree with her. You need to go out of your way to tell her that she’s wrong. That may sound a bit counterintuitive, but just trust us on this one. Or look at this text conversation for confirmation that we’re right.



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