HomeCultureTexts That Shows Us How Different Men And Women Logic Is

Texts That Shows Us How Different Men And Women Logic Is

The perfect comeback

There are a few different ways of responding when someone you’re not into hits on you. You can politely turn them down so as to not hurt their feelings. You can just ignore them. You can act mildly interested and just hope that it fizzles out without any confrontation.

Or you can go this route and deliver an amazing comeback to make you and all of your friends laugh. To make that last option work, though, you need to be as clever as this person. If you’ve got the wit, go for it.

Throwing it right back at her

There is always going to be a bit of conflict in relationships where one person is a homemaker and the other person works a full-time job. Both positions are equally challenging and necessary, but each person is bound to slightly resent the other because of the massive difference in lifestyle.

This conversation between a boyfriend and girlfriend exemplifies that well. She shot a text at him asking if he knew how to cook, and he responded by asking if she knew how to earn money. Is that a bit harsh? Oh yeah. Did we laugh? We’ll plead the fifth.

Weight of the World

There are topics you never want to discuss with women and weight would be at the top of that list. Here’s something everyone should know by now—never ask a girl how much she weighs.

Because a woman is so much more than a number on the scale and it has nothing to do with her self-worth. Plus, everyone holds weight differently.

A different kind of Catwoman

If you could be any superhero, which would you choose? Most people would answer with one of the obvious options. Batman, Spiderman, or whoever else. But as this response shows, there’s actually one superhero that would be an excellent choice that none of us have thought of before.

We’re talking about Catwoman. Okay, having her responsibilities may not be all that fun, but being a human-cat hybrid would just entail laying on the couch and eating all day. That’s a lifestyle that we can definitely get behind. This woman is a visionary. Now we must follow in her footsteps.

That’s not what that means

Honestly, we are surprised that some people make it as far in life as they do when they are so blissfully unaware about certain things. This guy is bragging to his friend about engaging in a certain activity, but he doesn’t realize that he might not be bragging in the future.

Oh, how health education in schools has failed its students. We sincerely hope that his friend is up to the task of explaining just what this means, for the sake of educating his friend and hopefully stopping the passing down of ignorance to a future generation.

The logic of an angry person

If we have learned anything in this modern age of dating, it’s that arguing over text just never works. The two people bickering just end up getting into misunderstandings and staying angry at each other for way longer than they should.

The first person in this conversation tried to put an end to that by offering to come over, but the other person wasn’t interested in that. They just wanted to stay mad and petty. We’ve all been in those moods, honestly. The question remains: which is the girlfriend and which is the boyfriend? We could see it either way.

Calm down there, Lisa

Many people criticize men for not being loving and emotional. But what about the ladies who demand a bit too much emotion? We understand that a relationship is built upon mutual understanding and love, but there are times when it’s not really appropriate to be exchanging kissy emojis and cute selfies.

Like 3 AM. If you text your guy at 3 AM and he doesn’t seem into it, try not to take it personally. He’s probably just trying to fall asleep. Most guys aren’t thinking of their future wedding while dealing with insomnia.

Stay Away

Women are tired of being catcalled in the street or having to constantly look over their shoulders in case they’re being watched or followed. It’s exhausting!

Regardless of how well dressed, well-spoken, or what he’s driving, it’s not most women’s idea of love at first sight or movie-style romance to be approached in the dark by a complete stranger.

Betty doesn’t understand

One (or both) of these two things is true about Betty. She is either not used to flirting or is very not interested in this person who is texting her. This guy sent her a message to try to get her address, and she gave him something that he was not looking for: her IP address.

In a sense, that is her address. Is it what he wanted? No, definitely not. He then asked for more detail, and she gave it to him. We don’t know if she meant to be funny, but this is hilarious.

Please Stay Single

It’s posts like these that not only make our eyes roll, but make us concerned about the entire male gender. People like this should really stay single.

We’ve moved on a long way since the days when women were only seen as housewives and caretakers for their husbands. We’re in the 21st century and there’s no space for people with such old-fashioned views these days.

Women are cars

One debate that always causes trouble between men and women is the subject of height. The resurgence of the short king is coming, and it’s creating other problems between the genders.

From the guys’ perspective, if women are allowed to be picky about men’s height, they can be just as choosy with women’s weight. But as we all know, that’s a touchy subject for everyone. We shouldn’t have to be the ones to tell you this, but women are not cars. Let’s all just accept people the way they are, people.

He aced that question!

This girl sent a text to her boyfriend to let him know that they could no longer live together. Most people that receive messages like this are immediately sent into a panic. This guy, on the other hand, knew the perfect way to respond.

Rather than freaking out, he just calmly answered her question. It seems like he was more concerned about getting the question right than he was with her feelings! Some people are just like that, we guess. Either way, it sounds like their relationship isn’t fated to last for long. Probably best to move out!

The wife brings up a good point

Having people over to your house is a lot of fun. But do you know what is a lot less fun? Preparing the house for people to come over. You need to do the dishes, pick up all your stuff, and actually get your abode looking clean.

t’s a real pain. And as this conversation shows, the house never stays clean for long. The husband in this conversation was ready to start cleaning 24 hours in advance, but his wife brought up a very good point. Why clean that far ahead if it’s just gonna get dirty before their guests arrive?

He started off so well…

There’s a big stereotype out there that men are only concerned with food, football, and cars. That definitely describes some guys out there, but not this guy. He’s all about tenderness and emotion.

He sent his girl a text about the things he wanted to do with her, and she wanted him to keep going on about it. But she didn’t realize that she opened up the door for him to talk about his car. You see, not all men only care about food, football, and cars. Some men care about love, food, football, and cars. But not in that order.

Lower Your Standards

Whether or not you believe in soulmates, or in love at first sight, the idea of standards in a partner is something that always has and always will divide people.

It’s hard enough to find a decent partner without having a long list of criteria, so with specific requirements, honestly, good luck to you all. You didn’t hear it from us, but we think you should keep those standards high and not settle for less, whatever you’re looking for.

Stay Positive

In a society that has demanded a certain standard of beauty, the emerging movement of body positivity is definitely something we can get behind. Why wouldn’t we want to celebrate our differences and the bodies that make us who we are?

We’re not sure who told men they couldn’t share their experiences and trauma with their loved ones, but we’ll tell you right now, body positivity and male vulnerability are absolutely not mutually exclusive. Share those stories, boys, and love your body too!

Keep Streaming

We all now know that long gone are the days when video games were considered to be just a ‘boy thing’. Nowadays, the amount of female streamers broadcasting live gaming online almost outnumbers the guys. That doesn’t mean, however, that girls don’t get their fair share of backlash and unwanted comments from men about their streaming.

Guys, if a woman wants to stream video games online and also do other things online, that’s their perogative. Leave them to it!

That’s Settled

This was the year everything turned pink as the Barbie Movie hit the screens and took the world by storm. However, it seems as though not everyone loved this feminist fable as much as we did. This Barbie Movie meme was clearly made by a man.

After pining for her for the entire movie, we’re pretty sure Ken would jump at the chance to settle down with Barbie, however she looked.

Skirting Around the Issue

Ladies, if you’ve ever been dress coded at school for having a skirt that was too short, it turns out that people will never stop defining you by the length of your skirt.

This time, however, the longer your skirt length is, the closer you are to protecting yourself from the demons and temptations of the world. Too bad being Satan’s daughter sounds a whole lot better than being saved, sanctified, baptized, and filled.

Gamer Girls

These Twitter users are engaging in a classic debate as to whether men’s brains are being ruined by spending more time in the video game world than they do in the real world, especially when it comes to their expectations of women.

While this post proves that it’s definitely possible to find examples of unattractive female video game characters and beautiful women in everyday life, we feel like video games should strive to represent all kinds of people. And that maybe men should go outside sometimes…

So much for a dream vacation

When it comes to vacations, everything can get stressful pretty quickly. The pressure of having to pack the right stuff can cause tension in even the most patient of people.

This woman thought she was going on her dream vacation with her husband and kids, but her man waited until they got to the airport to drop the bombshell that he was actually going on a lads holiday, and leaving his wife to go to a different country and look after the kids alone. So much for a romantic trip!

A world of faithful men

Men seem to be the source of a lot of the problems on the internet. It goes without saying that if more men or all men were faithful to their wives, the world would be a much better place.

While this post doesn’t specifically relate to the female anatomy, it’s funny to think about how some people still think women are completely reliant on men for money, cars, and houses. Women don’t need men to be successful, folks!

Classic car trouble

When it comes to cars, it might be stereotypical to say that men know more than women do. Some things are just better left for the guys to take care of.

This guy was tasked with doing some small repairs on his girlfriend’s car. She was less than happy that the air filter needed changing, but he reassured her that it needed changing because it was dirty, and she shouldn’t wait until something blows up to know that it’s time to repair something. Typical!

She just wants to have fun

Everyone says that you can only be a grown up if you act like one. But if you ask us, that’s not true at all. You don’t need to be all boring and lame just because you’re no longer a teenager. We respect any adults who have a silly streak.

It looks like Gene, however, is a bit more serious. He was getting some texts from his girlfriend who was at a toy store, and he couldn’t understand why she was there. He figured she was buying a water pistol for someone else, but nope, it was for her.

Helen is a little paranoid

Note to self: never get into a relationship with a person who acts like Helen. This girl decided to break up with her boyfriend over text for an incredibly silly reason: she found a song on his playlist that mentions a girl named Angela.

That was also the name of a girl that he used to date, and she took the inclusion of that song as evidence that he was still in love with her. Paranoid much? If our partner was this overbearing and weird, we would be okay with them breaking up with us over something this silly. Bye.

He only heard one thing

There are some people out there who are just so obsessed with themselves that they shouldn’t even be in relationships. That definitely seems to be the case for this guy. His girlfriend texted him asking if they could go out, and he wasn’t interested.

She then responded with a (justified) rant, but he only got one thing out of it: the fact that she called him beefy. Come on dude. Take a step out of the gym and actually form a relationship with another human being for once! Fitness is important, but it’s not that important.

Let’s just keep it family friendly

Men and women definitely have different approaches to the physical side of a relationship. Women tend to be more loving and emotional. They like to build things up and fan the flame of passion.

Men, on the other hand, are quick to get to the point. Relationship partners need to learn over time how to balance their own desires with those of their significant other. This guy, however, still doesn’t wanna take much time to be cute. Rather than continuing with the sweet texts that he and his girlfriend had been sending back and forth, he got right to it.

Exposing himself to his wife

You can’t be a very smart person if you cheat on your significant other. Sorry if that offends anyone, but it’s just true. Cheating is an incredibly hurtful and awful thing to do, and it takes someone who really just isn’t bright to put their partner through that.

With that being said, there are levels to that kind of stupidity. This guy sent his wife a text to let her know that he woke up without her, and she responded saying that she woke up in their bed. So where’d he sleep? Uh oh… exposed. How dense can you be?!

Is it truly urgent?

Burritos are serious business. This woman texted her husband to ask him what kind of burrito he wanted, but she was hit with an auto-reply text. He was driving at the time, so he didn’t have time to respond to her request.

According to her, though, burritos are an urgent enough topic that he just needed to respond mid-drive. Honestly, we think that we side with her on this one. But it really goes to show that there are two types of people in this world: those who are urgent about their burritos and those who are not.

So Lonely

There’s a group for everything these days! And you’d think a group called ForeverAloneWomen would be a safe place for women to be able to be themselves without having to deal with men.

But no. This group went private after it was invaded by men trying to PM lonely women. Can’t women just be alone and happy without a man?

Daddy’s Girl

Having children is one of the greatest gifts in the world, but having a daughter comes with a unique set of challenges. Any dad knows just how precious their little girl is and this dad went one step further, making sure no boys come anywhere near his sunshine.

In case it wasn’t clear, this sweetie isn’t going to be having a boyfriend any time soon.

Babe #1, babe #2, babe #3….

We definitely don’t condone anyone cheating on their significant other. We ESPECIALLY don’t condone anyone cheating on their significant other with multiple other girls. With that said, though, we have a piece of advice to all the cheaters out there: whatever you do, don’t do this.

This guy tried to send a loving text to all of his girlfriends at once, but he instead sent multiple texts to one of them. And that means that she quickly became aware of his shady ways. In the eternal words of the one and only DJ Khaled: you played yourself.

Covered in unicorn blood

When you’ve been dating someone long enough, your conversations start to get a little… silly. As things wind down and become more routine in a relationship, you have to find your own ways of having fun, and this person is definitely a master of that.

He texted his girlfriend Julia about the new detergent she bought, and she assured him that it was safe. His next question was a bit surprising: he wanted to know if it would wash off unicorn blood. He’s obviously joking, but we’re honestly a bit curious now. We have to know!

Making pizza romantic

To most people, pizza isn’t exactly the most romantic meal of all time. Sure, there are those fancy pizza places where it’s like $15 a slice, but Domino’s isn’t really gonna cut it for date night.

That’s why this girlfriend was not into the idea of spending a romantic weekend eating pizza. But her boyfriend came up with a brilliant idea to make pizza romantic. Rather than just eating it under normal circumstances, they would eat it in the rain and sing. That sounds like the best of both worlds to us. And they say chivalry is dead!

Suzy has the right idea

This guy texted his girlfriend with a very bright idea that he had involving a blanket, some pillows, and a couch. You can use your imagination to guess what he was thinking, but in case you’re lost, let Suzy here fill you in.

She realized immediately what he meant: they were going to build a fort together! Okay, that may not have been what he meant, but we like her idea better. Honestly, what kind of relationship doesn’t have room for a little fort building now and again? Get you a Suzy, ladies and gentlemen. She knows what’s up.

Don’t mess with a girl who knows her math

Everyone wants to date a smart girl, and it’s easy to see why. But we’re here to tell you that having a super intelligent significant other isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. They’re full of facts, and they might just turn those facts against you when you’re least expecting it.

Just take a look at this conversation. This guy tried to flirt with his girlfriend, but she threw it right back in his face by referencing the total population of the earth. Okay, yeah, you don’t need to be a genius to know that number, but still.

We all know someone like this

Are you the kind of person who is always on time, or do you wait until the very last second to show up to an event? We are generally as timely as possible, and that’s why this exchange is so infuriating to us.

This person showed up right on time to pick up Katie, but she was not quite ready yet. In fact, she needed a really long time to get prepared. She had a long list of chores to take care of before she could step out the door! We would be so angry.

Carry on the bloodline

We’ve never come across a man that thinks this way, but it’s certainly a weird way to look at having kids. Guys getting fixed is one of the only forms of male contraception out there, so why put that responsibility back onto women?

Women shouldn’t have to go through yet another medical procedure, on top of all the other things they have to go through just because they’re women, to avoid getting pregnant. Leave something for the guys!

Consistency is Key

Shooting your shot takes a lot of courage. What requires even more courage is following up a month later just in case the girl you texted broke up with her boyfriend.

We have to give this guy props. He really did follow up when he said he would, which is more than we can say about some other men these days. But if he thinks one month is a long time for a relationship, then he has some other issues to address.

Telling his parents the truth

There are few things that are quite as stressful as meeting your significant other’s parents for the first time. If you’re anything like us, you put so much pressure on yourself to make a good impression that you just end up being nervous and awkward.

It happens every time. This girl, however, seemingly did a great job at impressing her boyfriend’s parents. He texted her to let her know that, and she felt happy. But then he dropped the bombshell: he decided to ruin her good impression by letting his parents know that she wasn’t all that smart. Ouch.



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