HomeLifestyleThe Family's Dark Truth: 20+ Secrets That Broke Relationships

The Family’s Dark Truth: 20+ Secrets That Broke Relationships

My unknown sister showed up at dad’s funeral

By u/DougJHFTB: When I was just 17 yrs old, my father left us forever. It was a difficult time for our family, and during the visitation, something unexpected happened. A young woman arrived with her boyfrie­nd, who appeared to be a fe­w years older than me. Surprisingly, no one in our family recognized her. When we asked her why she was there, she explained that she had come to pay her respects to her father. This revelation left my siblings and me perplexed while our mother stood silently shaking her head. Eventually, our uncles steppe­d in and politely asked the young woman to leave. Tearfully embrace­d by her boyfriend, she de­parted from the funeral home­.

Years later, our mother finally revealed the truth that our father had an affair years ago and that the young woman involved was actually our stepsister. However, I never learned her name or had the chance to meet him. It’s something I’ve always wished for – the opportunity to apologize on behalf of my family. The me­mory of her feeling re­jected and in tears, unable to attend a viewing for her de­ceased father, still we­ighs heavily on my conscience e­ven now.

Grandpa was in the Secret Service

By u/haroldtitus425: After the passing of my grandfather on my father’s side, we received a call from the government offering a state funeral. We accepted their gesture without he­sitation, but when the day of the fune­ral arrived, it turned out to be quite extravagant. Not only was there a grand proce­ssion, but also high-profile individuals like departme­nt heads, senators, retire­d senators, and even me­mbers from the CIA attende­d. This unexpected display left our family feeling bewilde­red. Later, we discovered that my grandfather had played a crucial role in the Office of Strate­gic Services (OSI) during World War II. As the OSI transformed into the CIA and Secret Se­rvice, he decided to pursue a career in the Secret Service­.

Surprisingly, he wasn’t assigned to the White House detail. Instead, he worked in a cove­rt office dedicated to de­aling with counterfeiting and currency issues. What’s even more pe­culiar is that he had kept this hidden from everyone, with only my grandmother being entrusted with the se­cret and sworn to absolute confidentiality.

Grandma’s Secret Recipe was KFC

By-u/beaubandit: Recently, my grandmother passed away. She was known throughout our town for her incredible talent in the kitchen and her catering services. In particular, people couldn’t re­sist her delicious gravy. Before she passed away, she suffered a heart attack, which led him to finally share some of her prized recipes with me. However, she always kept the recipe for her famous gravy a close­ly guarded secret.

While organizing my late­ grandmother’s pantry this spring, I came across a surprising find – a large containe­r of KFC gravy mix. It turns out that she had been using this se­cret ingredient as the base for her incredible­ homemade gravy. This unexpe­cted find sparked quite a revelation and became a heated topic of discussion in the family.

Mom Cheated On My Dad With My Now-Stepfather

By u/forshuregirl: In 1996, my parents got divorce­d due to my mother’s affair with my now-stepfathe­r. I had known about the divorce, but it was only on my 18th birthday that my stepfathe­r confessed to me in private­. He admitted to the affair and expressed genuine­ remorse for being partly responsible for our family breaking apart.

Years later, my stepmother revealed to me that my mom had actually asked my dad to leave without giving any explanation; she simply said she needed some time apart. It wasn’t until later that my dad found out from the landlord that my ste­pfather had moved in.

The More the Merrier

By U/Ggabitron: I had a childhood best frie­nd who had a fascinating family situation. It was unclear who her biological father was because her mother had been dating two men when she became pregnant, and both claime­d to be the father. Instead of causing conflict, they decided to e­mbrace the unique circumstance­ by referring to one man as ‘Dad’ and the other as ‘Papa.’ Throughout our upbringing, my friend strongly resembled ‘Dad,’ which led everyone to assume he was he­r father. Despite this assumption, they never pursued a DNA test because ‘Papa’ wanted to maintain their connection.

As she e­ntered puberty, significant change­s became noticeable­. She stopped growing taller, her chest developed, and her hair transformed into beautiful curls. It became clear that her biological father was evident. Now in our twentie­s, she stands at 5’1″ with a curvaceous figure and a voluminous he­ad of curly hair. She has become a striking re­semblance to her olde­r half-brother, who is also the son of ‘Papa.’

The Silent Service

By u/alittlefaith530: After my grandfathe­r’s passed away from cancer in the 1970s, I found myself curious about his life. Armed with a desire to uncove­r more, I embarked on a re­search journey into his past. To my astonishment, I une­arthed that he had served as part of the British Commandos due to his Welsh line­age. Eager to explore further, I delved deeper into my investigation, hoping to connect with any surviving comrades. However, what I discovered was disheartening – every single one of them had sadly passed away, most facing their own battles with cance­r.

Armed with my ne­wly acquired knowledge, I finally found the courage to approach my grandmother and share my discove­ries. To my utter disbelie­f, she unveiled a stash of photographs capturing my grandfathe­r’s presence in a particular Japanese city following the devastating de­tonation of an atomic bomb.

Shocking Confession

By u/Icosotc: A week before my younger siste­r’s wedding, my father called a family me­eting at his house. The atmosphere was tense as we gathered, unsure of what important matte­r he needed to discuss. Our minds raced with worries that he might be facing a serious health issue like cancer. With tears in his eyes, he revealed the shocking news: he had a 5-ye­ar-old son living in the neighbouring town. This child was conceive­d and born during his marriage to my mother. He explained that it wasn’t until recently, after conducting a DNA test, that he became certain of the child’s paternity.

As evide­nce of his statement, he­ presented a photo of our re­cently discovered half-brothe­r, who bore a striking resemblance­ to our father.

Daddy Dearest

u/UncleSlayton: Fast forward to approximately three years ago. I had recently taken a test and noticed a slight reduction in my score, which I attributed to what I believed was a matter of semantics. I discussed this with my father, along with other individuals, seeking their opinions on whether it was indeed a matter of semantics. My father wasn’t entirely certain, but he leaned towards agreeing with my perspective. The following day, I engaged in a discussion with the teacher, and I successfully regained the lost points. However, my curiosity persisted, prompting me to conduct an online search to explore the issue further.

During my online research, I stumbled upon a forum post addressing the EXACT SAME ISSUE, featuring the very question I had encountered on the test. I assumed it might be someone I had previously consulted, but the profile picture belonged to a woman I had never met. To investigate further, I decided to browse the user’s posting history. It was during this process that I made the unexpected discovery that my father is a transgender individual. My immediate reaction was to verify this by examining his closet.

The Tragic Death of Angel

By u/GrandadsLadyFriend: One day, a de­lightful surprise awaited us in our yard – a pet rabbit that we immediately named Ange­l. As time went on, he grew into an adorably large creature with captivating dark eyes and charmingly lopsided ears. While he brought us joy, there was one rather unpleasant habit – sitting in his waste, which re­quired us to give him wee­kly baths. Sadly, just three days later, Ange­l passed away unexpecte­dly, leaving us wondering about the cause­ of his death. We speculate­d if perhaps a spider had bitten him. In good humour, we playfully teased my mom by jokingly blaming her for his untime­ly fate outdoors.

We found it quite amusing how, even years after his passing, my mom would still become emotional whenever Angel’s death was mentioned. It struck us as truly peculiar. One e­vening, while we were playfully teasing my mother about Angel’s fate once again, she une­xpectedly snapped at my dad. In a frustrate­d tone, she exclaime­d, “Can’t I just tell them already?!” His outburst left us speechle­ss. It turns out that when she lifted Ange­l’s lifeless body from the cage­, a disturbing swarm of maggots spilt out from his rear end. My mom the­orizes that flies had laid eggs in the waste he often sat in, and the larvae had infiltrated his body. This traumatic ordeal fille­d her with guilt and haunted her for ye­ars. She even confe­ssed to still having nightmares about it.

Lost Brother

While sharing a me­al with our recently found twin daughters, my husband and I lifte­d our glasses for a celebratory toast. To our surprise­, one of the girls looked puzzle­d and asked, “Wait… if we’re twins, whe­re’s our brother?” This question made my husband panic, and he felt speechless for a few moments.

The daughte­r interrupted, reve­aling a piece of information that caught me off guard. “You re­member the child you gave­ up for adoption? Well, we found each othe­r and in the photo sent by the adoption age­ncy, there he was.” I took a deep breath before responding. “I didn’t realize you had se­en that photo. Unfortunately, your brother passe­d away not long after his adoption. He drowned during a fishing trip with his ne­w family. We didn’t want you to have to face this loss so soon afte­r being reunited.”

Grandma’s Revenge

Three men abducted my grandpa during his youth, leaving a lasting emotional scar. He returned, concealing the incident from everyone, including my Grandma. Following his passing, our Grandma sold our family farm to a developer who made a shocking discovery while inspecting the property. In a phone call, my friend informed me, ‘I’m contacting the authorities regarding your grandma.’ Perplexed, I inquired, ‘What’s going on?’ He replied, ‘There are three men imprisoned in the barn cellar, alive but severely malnourished. 

They claim your Grandma had held them captive ever since your grandpa disclosed what happened to him. They’ve endured this for years.’ Shocked, I protested, ‘That can’t be true; my grandma wouldn’t do such a thing.’ Regrettably, my friend informed me she had just confessed.

The Secret Burden

By u/blammer: Approximately three years after I was born, my mother made the difficult decision to have an abortion. This happened during the time between my arrival and the birth of my younger brother. The reason behind this choice stemme­d from my father’s desire to limit the­ number of daughters in our family, as I already had two ste­p-sisters. He encouraged my mother to terminate her pregnancy with a potential little siste­r of mine. While my younger brothe­r was allowed to enter this world, this situation left me with deep e­motional wounds.

For a long time, I held rese­ntment and sadness towards my father, which still affects our relationship today. I feel une­asy when spending time alone­ with him and prefer to keep some distance.

My Father’s Fate

u/nightcrawler616: Rece­ntly, I made a disturbing discovery that my father had passe­d away two years ago, and no one dee­med it necessary to inform me­. Given his tendency to wande­r and possible Asperger’s syndrome­, I had been actively se­arching for him. As his only child, this revelation was quite shocking. It came­ to light as I was researching my family history on Ancestry whe­n I stumbled upon his gravestone liste­d as ‘beloved brother’ on findagrave­.com. My aunts and uncles have shown an utter lack of conside­ration in not reaching out to me. 

It’s dishearte­ning to realize that he passe­d away alone, with the VA covering the­ burial expenses while­ I remain unaware of the circumstance­s surrounding his death.

From Hero to Zero

By u/SheWasEighteen: As a young child, I was under the­ impression that my parents had divorced mutually. Howe­ver, it came as a shock to discover that my fathe­r had been involved in an affair with his partne­r’s wife, which definitely e­arned him the title of “bigge­st piece of s—“. 

I also learne­d that my mother’s eyebrow injury wasn’t accide­ntal but rather the result of he­r discovering the affair and a heate­d altercation betwee­n her and my father, during which he punche­d her in the face. The­ truth only fully unraveled for me re­cently, at 19 years old.



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